Florence Patterson
Patterson Place Home Care is dedicated to my grandmother, Florence Patterson. She left this earth in body at 49 years of age from lung cancer. She has always been a constant reminder to me of what love really is. She loved family and nature. Not a day passed when she wasn’t smiling, laughing, and loving life. Her laughter remains within me everyday; when I laugh, she laughs. Even when she had been living with only one lung, and was in pain, she never complained to anyone. My first snow angel was made with my grandmother. She remained young at heart and full of love until she passed.
Patterson Place sees these traits in every person that may request our services, getting older should never be a punishment, but a blessing. Everyone leaves a piece of themselves behind for others to cherish for a lifetime. Patterson place will ensure that this transition through life be only a positive and memorable one…In life and death. Passion and Purpose is not a slogan for this company, but a promise.